Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Waiting Game

*Today is the big day!!! We found out what we are having! I am so excited! Although I am regretting telling people that we know what the babies are because we are making them wait until Saturday!We aren't going public with the news until Saturday because we are doing a reveal cake thing for family. (Stephen should get it on video too!)  I SHOULD have said we weren't finding out until next week or something because the harassing has started! "But  I am your sister!! But I am your best friend! But I won't tell anyone...." and so on and so forth.  I mean my sister is crying, my friends are mad, and my family is anxious! 3 days people, 3 days! Patience is a virtue! Haha! We will post Saturday afternoon!
Be sure to vote on the babies!! What do you think they are??!! Take the poll on the right side of the page!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm totally a blogger, so I will be reading your blog. Don't your worry about that!

    I voted for two boys by the way! I can't wait until Saturday!

    Oh and the video about the pregnancy is awesome! I've got some ideas up my sleeve, too.
