Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Honeymoon Trimester

 Weeks 13-18
*Feeling much better this trimester! I got my appetite back and have some energy to clean this house! Seth and I are both doing some summer reading to try to prepare as much as we can for what is coming in November!

*I broke down and bought a "Snoogle" yesterday. This is one expensive pregnancy pillow! I was pleased with the C shape that cradles your neck and your legs at the same time. I snuggled in last night and fell asleep, relaxed and happy. When I awoke in the middle of the night, the top of the Snoogle was in place, but I couldn't find the bottom that was supposed to be in between my knees! I was confused in my sleepy daze...wasn't this a one-piece pillow??? I quickly realized that the Snoolge thief was sleeping next to me! Seth had the bottom of the snoogle between HIS knees! I tugged on it but it wouldn't budge and Seth groaned sleepily. So I did what any loving wife would do.......I punched him hard in the thigh and yanked my pillow back!!! :-) I need to be on the lookout tonight for the "Snoogle Thief"!!!


  1. Hilarious! You go Megan :) Love u too Seth!!

  2. This story made me laugh out loud! I sure wish I'd had a pillow like that!
