Tuesday, June 28, 2011

To Puke or Not to Puke.....

The First Trimester: Weeks 1-12
*One-Five: Well, these were already under my belt before I even knew I was pregnant. I don't drink or smoke so that was not an issue however, I was trying hard to shed pounds for a church weight loss competition. I was dieting, working out 2 hours a day, sitting in saunas (yikes) and had one encounter with a fitness machine that shakes you violently for 3 minutes. I guess a baby is in there pretty tight! Still ended up dropping about 15 pounds before I knew!

*Six-Eight: We found out at our first appointment that we had a double surprise! Twins! This thought had never crossed my mind as an option! I think our mouths dropped open and I sat there stunned while my husband was grinning ear to ear like superman! We were so shocked and excited!!
*Eight-Twelve: Around week eight I started to get sick in the mornings. I knew this was coming and each morning, like clockwork, I puked for about 10 min. and then felt nauseous all day. There were a few afternoons that I threw up in the driveway, behind my desk, in parking lots, etc. but for the most part I was just nauseous. I tried everything suggested and then some....this part was not fun. I actually remember saying that after 5 weeks of this I forgot what it felt like to NOT feel nauseous all day. Thank the Lord that this stage only lasted until about week fourteen before disappearing altogether.

*What did you just say? One particularly bad morning, I was throwing up non-stop & dry heaving for a good 15-20 min. I was trying to leave for work and walked out of the bathroom breathless, and with mascara streaming down my face. I see my husband standing there and I am thinking he is feeling concerned when he says, "Let me give you a little tip on how you aren't throwing up the right way...." I think my head spun around like the girl from the exorcist. "Excuse me???!!" I snarled. "Guess I haven't had enough practice these last 6 weeks!!!!" Bless his heart he really meant well but it didn't come across that way. He was worried about how I wasn't breathing in between "heaves" but I don't think he understood that its not something I could control. I like to give him a hard time about that comment and wanted to document it for laughter in the future! Love you babe!

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