*Today is the big day!!! We found out what we are having! I am so excited! Although I am regretting telling people that we know what the babies are because we are making them wait until Saturday!We aren't going public with the news until Saturday because we are doing a reveal cake thing for family. (Stephen should get it on video too!) I SHOULD have said we weren't finding out until next week or something because the harassing has started! "But I am your sister!! But I am your best friend! But I won't tell anyone...." and so on and so forth. I mean my sister is crying, my friends are mad, and my family is anxious! 3 days people, 3 days! Patience is a virtue! Haha! We will post Saturday afternoon!
Be sure to vote on the babies!! What do you think they are??!! Take the poll on the right side of the page!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The Honeymoon Trimester
Weeks 13-18
*Feeling much better this trimester! I got my appetite back and have some energy to clean this house! Seth and I are both doing some summer reading to try to prepare as much as we can for what is coming in November!
*I broke down and bought a "Snoogle" yesterday. This is one expensive pregnancy pillow! I was pleased with the C shape that cradles your neck and your legs at the same time. I snuggled in last night and fell asleep, relaxed and happy. When I awoke in the middle of the night, the top of the Snoogle was in place, but I couldn't find the bottom that was supposed to be in between my knees! I was confused in my sleepy daze...wasn't this a one-piece pillow??? I quickly realized that the Snoolge thief was sleeping next to me! Seth had the bottom of the snoogle between HIS knees! I tugged on it but it wouldn't budge and Seth groaned sleepily. So I did what any loving wife would do.......I punched him hard in the thigh and yanked my pillow back!!! :-) I need to be on the lookout tonight for the "Snoogle Thief"!!!
*Feeling much better this trimester! I got my appetite back and have some energy to clean this house! Seth and I are both doing some summer reading to try to prepare as much as we can for what is coming in November!
*I broke down and bought a "Snoogle" yesterday. This is one expensive pregnancy pillow! I was pleased with the C shape that cradles your neck and your legs at the same time. I snuggled in last night and fell asleep, relaxed and happy. When I awoke in the middle of the night, the top of the Snoogle was in place, but I couldn't find the bottom that was supposed to be in between my knees! I was confused in my sleepy daze...wasn't this a one-piece pillow??? I quickly realized that the Snoolge thief was sleeping next to me! Seth had the bottom of the snoogle between HIS knees! I tugged on it but it wouldn't budge and Seth groaned sleepily. So I did what any loving wife would do.......I punched him hard in the thigh and yanked my pillow back!!! :-) I need to be on the lookout tonight for the "Snoogle Thief"!!!
To Puke or Not to Puke.....
The First Trimester: Weeks 1-12
*One-Five: Well, these were already under my belt before I even knew I was pregnant. I don't drink or smoke so that was not an issue however, I was trying hard to shed pounds for a church weight loss competition. I was dieting, working out 2 hours a day, sitting in saunas (yikes) and had one encounter with a fitness machine that shakes you violently for 3 minutes. I guess a baby is in there pretty tight! Still ended up dropping about 15 pounds before I knew!
*Six-Eight: We found out at our first appointment that we had a double surprise! Twins! This thought had never crossed my mind as an option! I think our mouths dropped open and I sat there stunned while my husband was grinning ear to ear like superman! We were so shocked and excited!!
*Eight-Twelve: Around week eight I started to get sick in the mornings. I knew this was coming and each morning, like clockwork, I puked for about 10 min. and then felt nauseous all day. There were a few afternoons that I threw up in the driveway, behind my desk, in parking lots, etc. but for the most part I was just nauseous. I tried everything suggested and then some....this part was not fun. I actually remember saying that after 5 weeks of this I forgot what it felt like to NOT feel nauseous all day. Thank the Lord that this stage only lasted until about week fourteen before disappearing altogether.
*What did you just say? One particularly bad morning, I was throwing up non-stop & dry heaving for a good 15-20 min. I was trying to leave for work and walked out of the bathroom breathless, and with mascara streaming down my face. I see my husband standing there and I am thinking he is feeling concerned when he says, "Let me give you a little tip on how you aren't throwing up the right way...." I think my head spun around like the girl from the exorcist. "Excuse me???!!" I snarled. "Guess I haven't had enough practice these last 6 weeks!!!!" Bless his heart he really meant well but it didn't come across that way. He was worried about how I wasn't breathing in between "heaves" but I don't think he understood that its not something I could control. I like to give him a hard time about that comment and wanted to document it for laughter in the future! Love you babe!
*One-Five: Well, these were already under my belt before I even knew I was pregnant. I don't drink or smoke so that was not an issue however, I was trying hard to shed pounds for a church weight loss competition. I was dieting, working out 2 hours a day, sitting in saunas (yikes) and had one encounter with a fitness machine that shakes you violently for 3 minutes. I guess a baby is in there pretty tight! Still ended up dropping about 15 pounds before I knew!
*Six-Eight: We found out at our first appointment that we had a double surprise! Twins! This thought had never crossed my mind as an option! I think our mouths dropped open and I sat there stunned while my husband was grinning ear to ear like superman! We were so shocked and excited!!
*Eight-Twelve: Around week eight I started to get sick in the mornings. I knew this was coming and each morning, like clockwork, I puked for about 10 min. and then felt nauseous all day. There were a few afternoons that I threw up in the driveway, behind my desk, in parking lots, etc. but for the most part I was just nauseous. I tried everything suggested and then some....this part was not fun. I actually remember saying that after 5 weeks of this I forgot what it felt like to NOT feel nauseous all day. Thank the Lord that this stage only lasted until about week fourteen before disappearing altogether.
*What did you just say? One particularly bad morning, I was throwing up non-stop & dry heaving for a good 15-20 min. I was trying to leave for work and walked out of the bathroom breathless, and with mascara streaming down my face. I see my husband standing there and I am thinking he is feeling concerned when he says, "Let me give you a little tip on how you aren't throwing up the right way...." I think my head spun around like the girl from the exorcist. "Excuse me???!!" I snarled. "Guess I haven't had enough practice these last 6 weeks!!!!" Bless his heart he really meant well but it didn't come across that way. He was worried about how I wasn't breathing in between "heaves" but I don't think he understood that its not something I could control. I like to give him a hard time about that comment and wanted to document it for laughter in the future! Love you babe!
You Can't Go Bananas
This is me:
My name is Megan. I am 26 years old and have been happily married to my husband, Seth for 3 years now. We were married June 2008 after dating 5 years (met in high school). High school sweethearts, senior prom, you know the story. I am an elementary school teacher* (5th grade) and I love it! So, I am starting this blog for 2 reasons: Number one- I want a place to document big and not so big things in my life (I may be the only person reading this after all) and Number two- I have a feeling that I will need a place to "vent" after a long crazy day and writing is theraputic for me. K, that's all for post #1. Boring...I know...but give me a break, I can't break out with all my funny, scary, dramatic stuff yet......I'm just getting started!
*Disclaimer: just because I am a teacher does not mean I will spell things correctly or use grammar the right way...I have no desire to provide an English lesson..PLUS....I teach math!!
*Disclaimer: just because I am a teacher does not mean I will spell things correctly or use grammar the right way...I have no desire to provide an English lesson..PLUS....I teach math!!
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